Coronavírus: Psicanálise e filosofia
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Publicados antes no European Journal of Psychoanalysis (EJP – https://www.journal-psychoanalysis.eu/), os ensaios deste livro são considerações de respeitados filósofos e psicanalistas de todo o mundo à crise de escala global provocada pelo Coronavírus.
O vírus irrompeu causando impactos rápidos e profundos na existência humana Os riscos de contágio e períodos indefinidos de isolamento alteraram radicalmente o funcionamento da sociedade. As pandemias não esperam pela compreensão para proliferar. Confusão, doença e morte pontuam a falha dos governos em todo o mundo em responder. Essa coleção de escritos examina os efeitos da pandemia e as condições que tornam possível a crise global. Os autores nos provocam a considerar como o capitalismo, o poder governamental e a biopolítica moldam os contornos da vida e da morte. Eles acendem o diálogo político urgente, abordam as transformações emergentes no campo social e oferecem perspectivas sobre as mudanças na subjetividade e na prática analítica. Além de fornecer reflexões sobre o impacto do Coronavírus, os autores apontam determinantes de como a crise se desenrolará e o que pode estar no horizonte.
A obra Fernando Castrillon, Thomas Marchevsky, eds. Coronavirus, Psychoanalysis, and Philosophy: Conversations on Pandemics, Politics and Society. Editor: Routledge; 1st. edition (April 6, 2021), 192 páginas. Língua: English |
Biografias dos editores:
Fernando Castrillón (https://drcastrillon.com/), Psy.D. Editor-in-Chief of the European Journal of Psychoanalysis, is a personal and supervising psychoanalyst, Professor in the Community Mental Health Program at the California Institute of Integral Studies (CIIS), and a member of the Istituto Elvio Fachinelli ISAP (Institute of Advanced Studies in Psychoanalysis) based in Rome, Italy. He is the author of a book and numerous articles in both Spanish and English.
Thomas Marchevsky (https://www.ciis.edu/faculty-and-staff-directory/thomas-marchevsky), Ph.D. is an editor of the European Journal of Psychoanalysis and has a psychoanalytic practice in San Francisco, California. He is a member of the Lacanian School of Psychoanalysis (LSP), is Director of The Clinic Without Walls, and is an adjunct faculty member at the California Institute of Integral Studies (CIIS).
Part I – Philosophers Speak:
- Discipline and Punish: The Birth of the Prison [an excerpt] Michele Foucault
- A Viral Exception Jean-Luc Nancy
- Cured to the Bitter End Roberto Esposito
- Riposte to Roberto Esposito Jean-Luc Nancy
- The Community of the Forsaken: A Response to Agamben and Nancy Divya Dwivedi and Shaj Mohan
- The Virtues of the Virus Rocco Ronchi
- The Threat of Contagion Massimo De Carolis
- What Carries Us On Shaj Mohan
- The Obscure Experience Shaj Mohan
- Agamben, the Virus, and the Biopolitical: A Riposte Zsuzsa Baross
- A Much Too Human Virus Jean-Luc Nancy
- The Return of Antigone: Burial Rites in Pandemic Times
Part II – Philosophers Act: - One Health and One Home: On the Biopolitics of Covid-19 Miguel Vatter
- The Italian Laboratory – Rethinking Debt in Viral Times Elettra Stimilli
- Vitam Instituere Roberto Esposito
- Communovirus Jean-Luc Nancy
- The Satanization of Man. The Pandemic and the Wound of Narcissism Sergio Benvenuto
- A Viral Revaluation of All Values? Dany Nobus
- Humanity is Rediscovering Existential Solitude, the Meaning of Limits, and Mortality Julia Kristeva
- A Flight Indestinate Divya Dwivedi
Part III – Psychoanalysts Speak: - Psychoanalysis Too, Will Never Be the Same Néstor Braunstein
- Politics of the Letter
- Our Life After Coronavirus Sergio Benvenuto
- The Virus and the Unconscious. Diary From the Quarantine Sergio Benvenuto
- Talking Cure by Phone During the Lockdown Monique Lauret
- The Truth About Coronavirus Duane Rousselle
- Screened Speech is the Foreclosure the Littoral of the Letter René Lew
Por oportuno, indico também:
Filosofia em confinamento / [Editor, organizador e revisor técnico: Klinger Scoralick]. — Rio de Janeiro : Batuque, 2020. 292 p.
Coletânea que reúne intelectuais, brasileiros e estrangeiros, sob um esforço de reflexão sobre o tema da pandemia da COVID-19.
Pdf disponível em: https://www.academia.edu/44663304/Filosofia_em_Confinamento